Monday, March 16, 2020

Is there any cure for migraine?Treatment of migraine with yoga.

Is there any cure for migraine?

Treatment of migraine with yoga. (pain in the head region)

Migraine is a disease caused by pathology of the umbilical cord, in which there is a moderate to intense headache in the upper half of the head. This head is in any one half and lasts for a period of two hours to two days. Often the patient becomes highly sensitive to light and noise at the time of migraine attack. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, and increased physical activity along with pain.
According to a trust in the United Kingdom, only about 60 million people in the United Kingdom suffer from the disease. Of these, about 20 thousand people have migraine pain attacks every day. It is also believed that the number of migraine patients is more than the combined number of patients with asthma, epilepsy and diabetes.
How to treat this disease?

If you have been suffering from pain such as rupturing your head for years or you have recently been diagnosed with migraine, there are many other ways to get rid of this pain in addition to medicines. It involves surgery of the arteries and muscles, stimulation of the occidental pulse, Botox, beta blockers and antidepressants to prevent migraine attacks. But all these treatments have many fatal side effects.Among these side effects are heart attack, low blood pressure, lack of sleep, nausea etc.

So is there any natural way that we can get rid of this disease without causing any harm to the body?
yes ..

8 Yogasana to relieve migraine.:-

Yoga is an ancient health care mode that encourages overall health through the confluence of various bodily postures and respiratory functions. Yoga does not have any other side effects on the body. With the daily and regular practice of the Yogas mentioned here, you can take effective measures to prevent and prevent the next attack of Migraine

1.Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose):-

This asana calms the brain and by its practice a person becomes anxiety-free

 2.Shishuasana (Child pose):- 

This asana relaxes and calms the nervous system and effectively reduces pain.

3.Paschimottanasana (Two-legged Forward bend):- 

Sitting, spreading both legs forward, bending forward while moving the arms towards the feet, calms the brain and relieves tension. Headache is also relieved by this asana.

4.Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog pose):-

Performing shawana while keeping face down, increases blood circulation, thereby relieving headaches.

5.Padmasana (Lotus pose):-

Sitting in the Padmasana calms the mind and eliminates headaches.

6.Marjariasana (Cat stretch):-

This asana increases blood circulation and calms the mind

7.Hastapadasana (Standing Forward bend):-

Standing upright and bending forward, the blood supply in our vascular system is more, which makes it stronger. This also calms the mind.

8.Shavasana (Corpse pose):-

Shavasana brings the body to a state of deep meditative relaxation and brings strength and elation to the body. It should be done in the end after practicing all yoga asanas.

Migraine attack causes unbearable pain and damages the personal and professional life of the patient. Inform your family, friends and colleagues about the condition of your disease. This will give you mental and emotional support from them. They will also be able to make a correct assessment of your situation.
Never stop taking drugs without the advice of your doctor. Yoga increases your immunity in migraine, but it should not be used as an alternative to medicines.
By practicing these simple yogas, the effects of migraine trauma are greatly reduced and many times over time you can become permanently disease free. So what are you waiting for now? Open your yoga mat, do yoga for a few times every day and leave Migraine forever from your life.



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