Saturday, March 7, 2020

What are the initial symptoms of liver damage? With which physical symptoms can they be identified?

What are the initial symptoms of liver damage? With which physical symptoms can they be identified?

introduce:- The liver is the most important and large part of the body. If there is any type of infection or defect in it, then many types of symptoms start appearing in the body. There are many people in our country who have liver problems but they are not treated properly. Liver disease mostly occurs to those who are obese or consume more alcohol.

Today, liver disease is no longer confined to the elderly, but it is now starting to occur even in the young people. These very few people know that when the liver is damaged up to 80%, then its symptoms start to appear

If you recognize these symptoms at the right time then you can save your life. Let us know what symptoms start appearing in the body when the liver is bad.
Before the liver goes bad, the body gives these signs:

1. Yellowing of eyes

Symptoms of liver damage are first seen in the color of eyes, skin and nails. Not only this, the color of urine also becomes yellow. This is due to excessive production of bile juice.

2. nausea

If the liver is suffering, then the person feels like nausea again and again. In many cases, blood clots are also seen with vomiting.

3. Swelling of the lower abdomen

If you notice swelling in your lower abdomen, then it may be a sign of liver failure. This inflammation occurs due to the continuous increase in liver function. Never ignore this condition and see a doctor immediately.

4. Sleeplessness

If the liver starts to worsen, the patient is less sleepy. Ho looks tired throughout the day and looks lethargic.

5. Fever

Due to liver malfunction, the patient gets fever and the taste of his mouth worsens. Not only this, his mouth also smells.

6. Loss of appetite

During this time, the patient does not feel hungry and starts having problems of gas and acidity in his stomach. Not only this, it also increases the complaint of jealousy and heaviness in his chest.



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